Displays and keypads

Displays and keypads

CZone displays are the interface between the CZone network and the user. Both touch screens and keypads offer full control of circuits as well as the ability to view important onboard system information, such as tank levels and power levels (for both AC and DC supplies). Designed with the user in mind, the easy-to-use display screens put the control of all components directly at your fingertips. Multiple display interfaces can be used in the same system.

A selection of displays and keypads.

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CZone Touch 10 Generation 2 Display

CZone Touch 10 Generation 2 Display

CZone Touch 10 Generation 2 is the gateway to your CZone Dig..


CZone Touch 5 Screen Kit

CZone Touch 5 Screen Kit

The sleek new Touch 5 adds a compact touch screen option to ..


CZone Touch 7 Kit

CZone Touch 7 Kit

Introducing the CZone Touch 7. With an excellence 7" IP..


CZone 6-Way Waterproof Keypad - Landscape

CZone 6-Way Waterproof Keypad - Landscape

The CZone Waterproof Keypad range features dimmable RGB circ..


CZone 6-Way Waterproof Keypad - Portrait

CZone 6-Way Waterproof Keypad - Portrait

The CZone Waterproof Keypad range features dimmable RGB circ..


CZone 12-Way Waterproof Keypad - Portrait

CZone 12-Way Waterproof Keypad - Portrait

The CZone Waterproof Keypad range features dimmable RGB circ..


CZone 12-Way Waterproof Keypad - Landscape

CZone 12-Way Waterproof Keypad - Landscape

The CZone Waterproof Keypad range features dimmable RGB circ..


Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)


Spectra - SC1 Cleaning and Storage Chemical

Spectra - SC1 Cleaning and Storage Chemical

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Lofrans Foot Switches for Windlass/Capstan

Lofrans Foot Switches for Windlass/Capstan

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Katadyn Biocide Membrane Preservative - 240 grams

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